Professor Sue Clark

Professor Sue Clark


Sue Clark trained in medicine at Cambridge University and St Thomas’s Hospital Medical School in London. She spent two years in full time research at St Mark’s Hospital with an Imperial Cancer Research Fund Fellowship. She was based in the Polyposis Registry and worked on various clinical aspects of desmoid disease in familial adenomatous polyposis as well as studying the genetic changes within these rare tumours. The resulting MD thesis won the Raymond Horton-Smith Prize for the best thesis of the year at Cambridge University, and won the Leeds Castle Polyposis Group Young Investigator Award.

She completed her surgical training in the South West Thames Region, at St Mark’s Hospital and at Mount Sinai Hospital in Toronto. She then spent three years as a consultant at the Royal London Hospital before returning to St Mark’s. During this time Sue set up a family cancer clinic to provide services for inherited or potentially inherited colorectal cancer in the North East London Cancer Network. Sue’s practice covers most aspects of colorectal and anal surgery. Her main subspecialist areas of expertise are in inherited colorectal cancer syndromes and ileoanal pouch surgery, and she is the Director of the St Mark’s Hospital Polyposis Registry.